Night Owl 17
Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-17)(Night Owl Publisher)(1995).ISO
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51 lines
ABOOK30.ZIP 60138 07-11-95 Address Book v3.0 for WinWord 6.0
AMIWB121.ZIP 60450 04-07-95 (v1.21) AmiWeb - AmiPro HTML Authoring Asst.
| A package designed to enable HTML documents
| to be easily created within AMIPRO v3.0+. It
| provides a set of paragraph styles, a windows
| program to convert the AmiPro file to HTML
| format and a set of macros and icons for
| adding anchors etc. to your document.
ARCW6M.ZIP 41578 05-28-95 Archivist 1.20 manages ZIP files from MS
| Word. Archive & restore files with
| point-and-click. Requires MS Word 6.0 PKZIP,
| and PKUNZIP.
BESTHES.ZIP 216901 02-25-95 Interactive Dos Thesaurus.
DP35.ZIP 520515 06-14-95 DocuPower Pro 3.5 - MS WORD Doc Mngmnt
| Certified "Microsoft Office Compatible"
| Inexpensive, easy-to-use doc management.
| Seamlessly integrates into Microsoft Word.
| Document names up to 255 characters long!
| Instant storage & retrieval from FOLDERS.
| Shareware Magazine Editor's Choice Award
FW40.ZIP 786480 07-12-95 FILEWARE 4.0 turbo-charges MS Word 6
| Certified "Microsoft Office Compatible".
| Make Word easier to use & more powerful!
| "Top 48 Application Add Ins" - PC Magazine
NOFN.ZIP 2139 05-02-95 Information: Placing Page N of N in a Header
| or Footer in WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS.
PRINT23.ZIP 21530 07-11-95 New Print Dialog v2.3 for WinWord 6.0
SCREXT.ZIP 5564 04-28-95 Information: ScreenExtender for WordPerfect
| 5.1 for DOS Questions And Answers. Much
| informative info in the DOC.
SPLTVU10.ZIP 315992 04-17-95 SplitVu for WPWin 6.0 and 6.1. Lets you view
| and edit two parts of a document at the same
| time. Easily added to keystroke combination,
| toolbar, or menu. Elegant WPWin add-on
| [requires VBRUN300]
TAGGER20.ZIP 54954 05-05-95 Tagger 2.0 - MS Word for Windows 6.0 macro.
| Tagger is a macro for automatic numbering,
| captioning, & cross-referencing of figures,
| tables, & equations in MS Word for Windows6.0
TOCOUT.ZIP 2846 04-12-95 Information: Including Outline Numbering in a
| Table of Contents in WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS.
| This DOC shows exactly how to do it.
TYPETUT1.ZIP 17841 05-12-95 MS Word macro: Typing Tutor v1.1 teacher.
WIDEN.ZIP 30340 06-26-95 Widen is a shareware program that replaces
| the Word 6 Open and Save dialogs with the new
| Windows 95 dialogs, which support long
| filenames, shortcuts, document icons, more